CHANEL en grecia? / CHANEL in Greece?
Chanel con su estilo más fresco nunca deja de sorprendernos, por más que sea una colección crucero 2017/2018, las estructuras impecables, materiales maravillosos y apliques fantásticos hacen soñar esta vez nos transporta a una odisea griega, muy clara pero siempre al mejor estilo de Karl
Chanel with its coolest style never ceases to amaze us, even though the sea a collection cruise 2017/2018, the impeccable structures, marvellious materials, and the fantastic appliques makes you dream!, this time it transports us to a Greek odyssey, very clear but always in the best style of Karl
Chanel with its coolest style never ceases to amaze us, even though the sea a collection cruise 2017/2018, the impeccable structures, marvellious materials, and the fantastic appliques makes you dream!, this time it transports us to a Greek odyssey, very clear but always in the best style of Karl